17 Available EBC Modules to Provide an Enhanced Customer Experience

Crafting an appealing Amazon Enhanced Brand Content (EBC) involves a complex process that demands careful planning and thoughtful consideration.

As a new seller, it can be challenging to navigate the selection of 17 available modules and determine the optimal layout, whether it’s a five or seven-module arrangement.

To make informed choices, it is essential to have a deep understanding of your target audience, product features, and brand messaging. Each module offers distinct advantages, such as presenting product details, showcasing benefits and features, and incorporating captivating lifestyle imagery.

With our extensive experience in creating hundreds of EBCs across various categories, we have gained insights into what resonates best with our clients. In this blog, we will guide you through every module, providing comprehensive information. Additionally, we will suggest the most effective layouts. However, feel free to assemble these modules in alternative configurations based on your preferences.

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1. 17 Available Modules

1.1. 600 x 180 Module for Brand Logo

1.1.1. Our Recommendation

1.2. 150 x 300 Module for Comparison Chart

1.2.1. Our Recommendation

1.3. 220 x 220 Four-Feature Module

1.3.1. Our Recommendation

1.4. 300 x 300 Three-Feature Module

1.4.1. Our Recommendation

1.5. 300 x 300 Standard Single Left Image Module

1.5.1. Our Recommendation

1.6. 300 x 300 Standard Single Right Image Module

1.6.1. Our Recommendation

1.7. 135 x 135 Four-Image Quadrant Module

1.8. 970 x 600 Image Header with Text

1.8.1. Our Recommendation

1.9. Product Description Module

1.10. 300 x 400 Single Image and Sidebar

1.10.1. Our Recommendation

1.11. Technical Specifications Module

1.12. Standard Text Module

1.12.1. Our Recommendation

1.13. 300 x 300 Single Image and Specs Detail

1.13.1. Our Recommendation

1.14. 300 x 300 Multiple Image Module

1.14.1. Our Recommendation

1.15. 970 x 300 Standard Image with Light Text

1.15.1. Our Recommendation

1.16. 970 x 300 Standard Image with Dark Text

1.17. 300 x 300 Standard Image with Highlights and Sidebar

2. Layouts

2.1. Ideal Seven-Module Layout (Note the Position or Assembly of Modules Change Per Client Request)

2.1.1. First Module 970 x 300 for Brand Logo

2.1.2. Second Module 970 x 600 for Infographic + Lifestyle

2.1.3. Third Module 300 x 300 Four-Feature Image Module Or 300 x 300 Three-Feature Module

2.1.4. Fourth Module 300 x 300 Standard Single Right Image Module

2.1.5. Sixth Module 970 x 600 Product Placement Module

2.1.6. Seventh Module 970 x 300 Lifestyle Module

2.2. Ideal Five-Module Layout

3. Conclusion

17 Available Modules

600 x 180 Module for Brand Logo

The brand logo module is specifically designed to showcase your brand’s logo. Due to the limited image space in this module, we highly recommend exclusively using it for your brand logo. Whether you choose the five-module or seven-module layout for your EBC, this module will serve as a crucial element in conveying your brand identity and maintaining consistency throughout your content. 

Our Recommendation

Utilizing an entire module dedicated to your logo offers several advantages. Firstly, it allows your buyers to have a prominent and clear view of your logo, enhancing brand recognition and recall. This module serves as a powerful tool for building your brand identity and establishing a cohesive visual representation across your Amazon content. By incorporating your logo in a dedicated module, you effectively deliver your brand message to your audience. As an example, we have designed a brand logo module for one of our clients, which effectively portrays their brand identity and messaging. This module serves as a symbol of what the brand represents, creating a lasting impression on potential customers.

150 x 300 Module for Comparison Chart

We advise against utilizing the comparison module in your EBC. Directly comparing or contrasting products can often lead buyers to navigate to other listings, potentially resulting in lost sales. It is important not to advertise your competitors’ products within your own listing. To maximize conversions, it is crucial to retain the traffic on your listing. However, if your product significantly outperforms the competition, you may consider using the comparison module. This module presents a comprehensive chart showcasing features, dimensions, and other benefits, aiding potential buyers in making informed decisions.

Our Recommendation

Based on our expertise, we recommend placing the comparison module as the last module in the seven-module layout. It occupies a significant amount of space and is not suitable for inclusion in the five-module EBC. By following this recommendation, you can effectively utilize the comparison module while optimizing the layout of your EBC.

220 x 220 Four-Feature Module

The four-feature module is widely recognized as an effective method for showcasing key product features. It is a highly popular choice in both the five-module and seven-module layouts. Within this module, sellers have the flexibility to present product features using either zoom shots or icons, depending on their preference and the nature of their products. This module provides ample space and freedom to convey vital information about your product, enabling you to effectively highlight its unique selling points and engage potential customers.

Our Recommendation

Including the four-feature module in your EBC is highly recommended, unless your product has limited features that do not warrant individual highlighting. This module is particularly advantageous for home and kitchen products, as it allows you to effectively showcase the key features that set your product apart from the competition. To provide you with an example, here is how we have utilized the four-feature module to highlight product features for our clients: [Insert an example image or description of the four-feature module showcasing product features] By incorporating this module into your EBC, you can effectively communicate the unique features of your product to potential customers, ultimately driving engagement and increasing conversions.

300 x 300 Three-Feature Module

The three-feature module is a versatile and commonly used component in Amazon EBCs. It provides an effective way to highlight key product features and is highly recommended for inclusion in your layout. Within this module, you have the option to showcase the features using zoom circles or icons, allowing you to present the information in a visually appealing manner that aligns with your brand and product. By utilizing the three-feature module, you can effectively communicate the essential features of your product to potential customers, helping them make informed purchasing decisions. This module adds value to your EBC by providing concise and impactful information about your product’s standout features, ultimately enhancing the overall shopping experience for customers.

Our Recommendation

The three-feature module offers a unique advantage over the four-feature module: the ability to include more text underneath each feature heading. This additional text space allows sellers to provide detailed explanations, specifications, or descriptions for each featured aspect of their product. If your product requires a more comprehensive or lengthy explanation, the three-feature module is an ideal option to effectively communicate the necessary information to potential customers. By utilizing this module, you can capitalize on the opportunity to showcase the key features of your product while providing in-depth details that help buyers make informed purchasing decisions. Whether it’s technical specifications, product benefits, or other essential information, the three-feature module allows you to convey a more comprehensive message and engage customers with relevant and valuable content within your EBC.

300 x 300 Standard Single Left Image Module

The single left image module is a versatile component of your EBC that combines an image, header, and paragraph to effectively convey the general features of your product. This module serves as a powerful tool to capture the attention of potential buyers and influence their purchasing decisions.

 When utilizing this module, it’s important to go beyond a simple product description and employ persuasive marketing language to present your product as a compelling solution to customers’ needs.

Take advantage of the ample space provided in this module to cover all aspects of your product and communicate its unique selling points effectively. By using engaging language and highlighting the key benefits and features of your product, you can captivate your audience and motivate them to choose your product over competitors. The single left image module offers an excellent opportunity to make a strong and persuasive case for your product, ultimately driving conversions and boosting your sales on Amazon.

Our Recommendation

We recommend adding this module to your EBC. It will give you a shot to convince your potential buyer through marketing language.

300 x 300 Standard Single Right Image Module

The single right image module functions similarly to the left image module, serving the same purpose of effectively showcasing your product’s features and captivating your potential buyers. With a visually appealing image, a compelling header, and supporting text, this module allows you to highlight the key aspects of your product in a concise and impactful manner.. 

Our Recommendation

For a product with multiple features, use both the right and left image modules in the seven-module layout. This allows space for two consecutive paragraphs to explain product details effectively and convince potential buyers. Showcase your product’s unique selling points with engaging visuals and compelling text.

135 x 135 Four-Image Quadrant Module

The four-image quadrant module is outdated and rarely used in EBCs. It is like the four-feature module but offers less text space. We advise against including this module in your EBC design.

970 x 600 Image Header with Text

While the 600 x 180 module is primarily intended for the brand logo, the 970 x 300 module can also accommodate the logo along with a brief paragraph. Alternatively, you can position this module after the brand logo module. With ample image space, it offers an excellent opportunity to showcase your product.

Our Recommendation

We advise against using text in this module. It is more effective for visual elements and feature icons. If your product is small, it is not recommended as it may not fully utilize the available visual space in the module.

Product Description Module

This module has limited space for text and offers little value to your EBC. We advise against using it as it does not contribute significantly to your content.

300 x 400 Single Image and Sidebar

The sidebar module provides ample space for detailed information, making it ideal for showcasing product specifications and an “About Us” section. With its generous text capacity, it allows you to present comprehensive details in a single section, enhancing the overall content of your EBC.

Our Recommendation

Typically, we avoid using this module in our EBCs due to its heavy reliance on text and limited value it adds. Instead, we prefer utilizing other modules that effectively convey information in a more engaging and impactful manner. We advise steering clear of this module and exploring alternative options for your EBC design.

Technical Specifications Module

The table module allows for the inclusion of various technical specifications in your Amazon A+ content. However, it is not considered a particularly useful module for EBC, and we generally advise against using it. Unless the inclusion of technical specifications is mandatory for your category, it is best to avoid this module altogether.

Standard Text Module

The standard text module consists of a heading and a text field. We sometimes utilize this module to include important product information within the layout of other modules. It allows us to seamlessly integrate key details amidst other content.

Our Recommendation

Consider using this module to add transitional information between other modules if necessary. However, it is best to avoid using it if possible, to maintain a seamless flow in your content.

300 x 300 Single Image and Specs Detail

This module offers a well-structured layout with an image on the left, a header, and accompanying text. On the right side, you can showcase product specifications for a clear and organized presentation of technical information. It is a recommended choice when you need to convey detailed specifications in a visually appealing manner.

Our Recommendation

Avoid using this module as it tends to have excessive text. Instead, opt for modules that allow for a more concise and visually engaging presentation of information. Keep your content focused and succinct to maintain the attention of your audience.

300 x 300 Multiple Image Module

The multiple-image module is ideal for showcasing products with multiple variants. It allows you to highlight all the variations within a single module, providing a dynamic and visually appealing presentation. Many successful EBCs incorporate this module to effectively showcase product diversity and attract potential customers.

Our Recommendation

We strongly advise including the multiple-image module in your prime EBCs, particularly if you wish to showcase various product variants. However, for conventional EBCs that don’t require highlighting multiple variants, it is not necessary to include this module. Instead, you can utilize it to incorporate brand-related information, such as the brand story or “about us” sections, to enhance your EBC’s overall appeal.

970 x 300 Standard Image with Light Text

To create a striking first module, consider using a large image with a dark overlay and placing text on top of it. This layout can be highly impactful, especially for highlighting your brand identity, as it seamlessly integrates the logo within the first module. It grabs attention and sets the tone for the rest of your EBC, leaving a lasting impression on potential customers.

Our Recommendation

If you’re looking to stand out from your competitors, incorporating this module into your EBC can be a unique and effective choice. However, it’s important to ensure your graphics design is enticing and visually appealing. The combination of images, brand logos, and text can become cluttered if not executed properly. Make sure to invest in high-quality editing to achieve a refined and polished look that captures the attention of your audience.

970 x 300 Standard Image with Dark Text

This module is like the 970 x 300 standard image with light text. We maintain the same recommendation for this module.

300 x 300 Standard Image with Highlights and Sidebar

This module is like the 300 x 400 module and serves the same purpose. However, we do not recommend including it in your EBC.


While the recommended layouts provide visually appealing options, we understand that each client may have unique preferences and requirements. We are committed to creating custom solutions tailored to your specific needs. We are open to innovation and collaboration to ensure your EBC stands out and effectively communicates your brand message. Let’s work together to create a design that best represents your product and meets your goals.

Ideal Seven-Module Layout (Note the Position or Assembly of Modules Change Per Client Request)

First Module 970 x 300 for Brand Logo

We have found that using the 970 x 300 banner module is more effective for showcasing the brand logo compared to the smaller 600 x 180 module. The larger module provides better visibility and allows for a high-definition display of your brand logo. We highly recommend utilizing the 970 x 300 module to create a visually impactful representation of your brand.

Second Module 970 x 600 for Infographic + Lifestyle

The 970 x 600 module offers a generous amount of space for displaying images, making it a great option for combining informative and lifestyle elements. This layout allows you to effectively communicate essential information about the product while showcasing its practical and aspirational aspects. It provides a visually appealing and engaging experience for potential customers, helping them make informed purchasing decisions.

Third Module 300 x 300 Four-Feature Image Module Or 300 x 300 Three-Feature Module

Utilizing the four-feature and three-feature modules in your product listing is highly recommended. These modules provide an effective way to highlight and explain the key features of your product. By using these modules, you can provide valuable information to potential customers, helping them understand the benefits and functionality of your product. This enhances their buying decision and increases the likelihood of conversions.

Fourth Module 300 x 300 Standard Single Right Image Module

We strongly suggest incorporating the single right image module into your EBC. This module offers ample space for a paragraph, allowing you to effectively communicate the general features and benefits of your product. By utilizing this module, you can capture the attention of potential buyers and provide them with key information that highlights the value of your product.

Sixth Module 970 x 600 Product Placement Module

This layout is specifically designed to showcase the product in a real-life context, providing an enhanced visual appeal. By presenting your product within a realistic setting, you can effectively demonstrate its functionality and create a stronger connection with your potential buyers. This layout is highly recommended for EBCs as it enhances the overall presentation and helps customers visualize the product in action.

Seventh Module 970 x 300 Lifestyle Module

To create a lasting impression, we recommend using a 970 x 300 lifestyle layout for the final module. This layout showcases your product in a real-life setting, accompanied by a model. By presenting your product in this way, you can evoke a sense of appeal and aspiration in your potential buyers. This layout is proven to be highly effective in capturing attention and leaving a memorable impression.

Ideal Five-Module Layout

We recommend using the same modules in a different arrangement in the five-module layout. See the module sequence below to create the perfect EBC.

First Module 970 x 300 for Brand Logo

Second Module 970 x 600 for Infographic + Lifestyle

Third Module 300 x 300 Four-Feature Image Module Or 300 x 300 Three-Feature Module

Fourth Module 970 x 600 Product Placement Module Fifth Module 970 x 300 Lifestyle Module


Having a comprehensive understanding of all 17 available EBC modules is essential for creating enticing EBCs. With the knowledge and insights shared in this guide, we believe you can leverage Amazon EBCs to their fullest potential. By implementing the tips and tricks provided, you’ll be able to craft compelling and informative content that effectively engages your audience and drives conversions.